
Showing posts from June, 2022

LiveTranslator Demo 3 [English to Mandarin Chinese] | Timekettle

Timekettle Team rolled out the Live Translator function in April 2022 for PC/laptop, supports 10 languages and users can get bilingual subtitles for online meetings, presentions, and live streams. Limited Free Trial is open to all Timekettle users. Timekettle will charge for the PC Live Translator features in the middle of 2022.  

About Timekettle Translate Earbuds

Timekettle Technologies is committed to building global brand of AI translator & Translate Earbuds by integrating cutting-edge technology and innovative design.

NO.1 Voice Language Translator Earbuds | Timekettle

Redefine way of Cross-Language Communication with Timekettle Translation Earbuds. Best AI-powered real-time translators for travel, business, education &learning. For more information, click here ...

What are Translation Earbuds, and How its Work?

You might be wondering why so many aliens in Sci-Fi movies and TV shows speak English. Sometimes it's a coincidence. Other times it's a plotline that's conveniently incorporated into the storyline. Other times, it's this fictional product known as a universal translator. But nowadays, Translation Earbuds are just like Translation Device that work like those fictional products that translate in real-time. What is the working principle of translation earbuds? Multiple companies have developed a variety of translation earbuds. Each company relies on different technologies. Real-time speech transcription is a combination of several technologies. Each technology has seen rapid improvements in recent years. From input to output, the chain looks like this: Input Conditioning: The earbuds record background noises and interfere with and pick up the voice of the user. The "denoising" feature removes background noises, while the voice activity detector (VAD) turns the ...

Benefits of Top Real-Time Translator Earphone

Electronic translators can now be used for a variety of purposes. There are many options: dedicated devices that translate, real-time translator earbuds, devices built into smartphones and online services that have access to a continuously-updated dictionary. Although electronic translation devices are speedy and convenient, they might not be as accurate or as skilled as an interpreter. Our Timekettle Wt2 Plus Translator Earbuds   are one of them you can rely upon when it comes to choosing the  Top Real-Time Translator Earphones .  It will translate the real-time voice and provide you with the end result that you can't be able to believe. Here are the two main benefits of our Timekettle M2 Language Translator Earbuds  , which you will like and will make your life easier when it comes to real-time translation. Pro: Convenience This small electronic translation device can be carried around in a pocket and are therefore much more convenient than a pri...